Body Armour Ratings

In this guide, we’ll explain what NIJ body armour ratings are, why they’re so important, and what each of the five levels tells you about the body armour in question. We’ll also provide insights into the changes being made to the ratings system in the soon-to-be-released revised standards.

With such a vast range of body armour designed for all manner of defensive and offensive situations, narrowing down your options while remaining within budget can be tricky. Still, given the importance of body armour, it’s a decision you need to get right. One of the most important factors to consider when assessing an item of body armour is its NIJ rating, which tells you about the product’s protective capabilities.

At The Survival Island, we’re here to make sure you have access to the most innovative body armour on the planet and keep you up to date with the latest industry developments that help you remain at the top of your game. If you need any body armour recommendations based on your unique needs, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


What is the NIJ?

NIJ ratings are standardised levels set by the National Institute of Justice (NIJ), which is a research department for the U.S. Department of Justice. It’s the NIJ’s job to evaluate safety products, including body armour, as well as assess community requirements and research crime.

Crucially for the purposes of this article, the NIJ conducts tests on a commercial scale to assess the performance of body armour, ensuring it complies with their rigorous standards. On top of testing whether the likes of vests and shields can withstand bullets and which round types, the NIJ also tests armour’s ability to protect you against blunt force traumas and knife attacks.

These tests are rigorous – products are subject to extreme cooling and heating before reaching the ballistic stage. These strict protocols make sure that all NIJ-rated body armour is tested in both new and worn conditions.

Manufacturers undergo routine NIJ inspections to make sure their products remain up to standard, and testing is carried out by an approved lab that operates independently of the government.

So, provided an item of body armour comes certified with an NIJ rating, you can feel confident it will be able to deliver as promised.

What Are NIJ Ratings?

There are five NIJ ratings represented by Roman numerals, starting with Level IIA at the lowest level of protection and IV at the highest.

The upcoming updates to the revised standards will see the Roman numerals replaced by a more intuitive system. We’ll look at the updates later, but let’s dive into the levels with the current rating titles given that’s what you’ll likely see until the second half of 2025.


Level IIA

The lowest NIJ rating is Level IIA, which demonstrates that a product can withstand low-velocity rounds such as 9mm and .40 Smith & Wesson bullets. Because of its low level of protection, Level IIA is becoming increasingly less common with law enforcement and the military. However, IIA body armour is soft, light, and often undetectable.


Level II

Level II body armour can protect the wearer from higher-velocity handgun rounds such as NATO-issued 9mm rounds and .357 Magnum ammunition used by some law enforcement personnel. Thanks to its broader defensive capabilities, Level II is commonly worn by police officers and security teams in low-to-medium risk situations.


Level IIIA

Very few handgun rounds can perforate or penetrate Level IIIA body armour, which can absorb or deflect ammo such as .44 Magnum and .357 Sig bullets. Despite these impressive capabilities, items of IIIA are still relatively lightweight – many inserts for backpacks and purses come with an IIIA rating.


Level III

Level III armour is designed to withstand rifle rounds and made using composite materials and metal plates. Body armour with this rating offers protection against ammunition including NATO .308 battle rifle and .223 Remington rounds. It’s commonly used by law enforcement tactical units and military personnel.

Top Tip: You might see some items with a plus sign (+) after the III, which is not an official NIJ rating. The + usually indicates that an item has been tested by the manufacturer to surpass the minimum NIJ Level III requirements, but you might want to check what each manufacturer implies with the + specifically.


Level IV

The highest NIJ rating is Level IV. Body armour with this rating can withstand armour-piercing rifle rounds including .338 Lapua Magnum and .30-06 AP. Though not tested for by the NIJ, Level IV even often provides effective protection against high-calibre M855 (62gr 5.56×45) green tip rounds. Level IV armour is typically used by tactical units facing high-calibre ballistic threats.

Updates on the Upcoming NIJ 0101.07 Body Armour Standard

The NIJ has recently revised their testing standards for body armour and firearms. Testing in compliance with these revised standards will begin in the coming months, which means you’ll start seeing products that comply with the updates on our shelves later this year.

Some of the key updates from the NIJ 0101.06 to the new NIJ STD 0101.07 standard include:


Naming Conventions

The NIJ has replaced the Roman numerals with a more intuitive naming system. Level II will become HG1, reflecting its protective capabilities against handgun rounds, and Level IIIA will become HG2. Referring to rifle rounds, RF1 will replace Level III while Level IV will be RF3 – a new level called RF2 will come between the two.


Body Armour Testing Guidelines

The new standard includes a range of updates to testing guidelines, but some of the key revisions impacting the testing of body armour include methods related to armour designed specifically for women.


Other Factors to Consider When Choosing Body Armour

While checking the body armour ratings is essential, it’s just one of several factors you need to bear in mind when choosing the most suitable products. Some of the most important factors to consider include:


Type of Threat

What threats do you and your team commonly face? You need to pick body armour that comes with a rating that will keep you protected against common threats while providing the mobility to react to them quickly.


It might be tempting to purchase body armour at the highest protection level, but items with high ratings can often be bulky and heavy, limiting the wearer’s mobility. Heavy items can also be uncomfortable to wear for long periods.



While they may not be able to withstand heavy rifle rounds, many body armour items that are virtually invisible to others can protect you against handgun ammo.



Don’t value any item of body armour on just its protective capabilities and price. You also need to factor a product’s longevity.

When it comes down to it, choosing the right body armour comes down to a variety of considerations, with NIJ body armour ratings being one of the most crucial. The easiest way to discover the most suitable products for your requirements is to discuss them with an expert.


Learn More about Body Armour Ratings

At The Survival Island, we’re a team of seasoned survival and wilderness experts who take great pride in sourcing the most advanced body armour from the world’s most esteemed manufacturers. Whether you need armour to protect officers on the beat or tactical gear for military units in high-pressure situations, we have the right armour for you. We also stock an array of NIJ-rated products that meet legal requirements and are perfect for self-defence and civilian use. Browse our vast and ever-growing selection today or get in touch with our professionals for tailored advice.