A solid and very hard Suburi bokken sword.
Handmade, this solid hardwood bokken is heavier, much denser and a lot harder than standard training bokkens. Designed purely for Suburito sword-swinging exercises, the result of using this oversized and thicker blade training sword is increased strength, conditioning and additionally development of the spirit.
After consistent and constant use, normal sized Kendo bokken and Aikido bokken swords feel remarkably lighter, which can make all the difference for professional sparring sword competitions.
Very high quality, simple and a pleasure to both own and use everyday.
Key Features:
- Solid Ironwood paddle sword construction.
- Resilient & hard-wearing – a material that will last a lifetime.
- Comfortable to handle & much safer than blunt steel blade training swords.
- Perfect for Aikido, Kendo and Kenjustsu martial arts sword practice and conditioning.
Suburi Bokken Specifications:
- Material: Ironwood.
- 1.5kg Suburito option 1: Overall length 115cm; blade width 6.5cm.
- 2.4kg Suburito option 2: Overall length 115cm; blade width 9.5cm.
- Included: Black sword bag.
- Item: Wooden sword.